Impact Goal, Strategies, Outcomes, Outputs and Activities - July 2017 to June 2020

Goal / Impact:
Community Ownership and Development - Addressing Issues and moving towards Sustainable Livelihoods. July 2017 to June 2020

A People Led Empowerment Approach towards Development. - Responsible Core Committee and CCO take responsibility to effect community change
1.       Activated Core Committee address community issues with minimum involvement of CSA Staff and participatory review of the interventions taken up by the CCO.
2.       Community Centre works individuals, IGGs/SHGs from Fishing /Farming Community to enhance the productivity & sustainability of their current traditional /alternative livelihood, creating wealth through financial empowerment
3.       Bal Sansads function as Children's Parliament with Children taking responsibility assuming their role and asserting their rights while addressing issues contextually.

Outcome 1:
Human Resource Development - CSA and CCO Staff along with Core Committee capacitated to deliver outcomes as per their role.

Outputs 1:
1.       CSA Staff trained to understand, plan and systematically monitor the progress of the interventions enabling CCO staff to work along with the Core Committee and guide the various groups in the target area to deliver as per the planned project outcomes
2.       CCO Staff trained to work in collaboration with the Core Committee enabling them to evolve effective plans and facilitate the community towards resolving the prioritized issues.
3.       Core Committee trained to reviews the Community Issues addressed, develops strategic plans and implements quality development intervention Core Committee reviews CCO interventions periodically based on inputs

Activities 1:
1.       CSA Staff Trainings
Half Day trainings given to CSA Staff once a month on topics of understanding and implementing the project, prepare plans, prepare tools for monitoring and review the progress of interventions.  
2.       CCO Staff Trainings
Alternative month Training cum Reflections with CCO Staff that will enable them to assess gaps in the functioning of the Core Committee and implementation of the Project and take corrective steps.
3.       Core Committee Trainings:
Core Committee trained every alternative month to review the community issues addressed, identifies gaps, identifies stakeholders, develops strategic plans and implements community action driven interventions in coordination with CCO Staff

Outcome 2:
Activated Core Committees coordinate with Stakeholders at various levels (Local CCO and Federation of Core Committees at D.I) to address prioritized community issues effectively, access entitlements, participatory review and resource building of the CCO.

Outputs 2:
A.      Address prioritized community issues effectively
1.       Core Committee understands how the prioritized issues have been addressed and the gaps in handling the process which has resulted in poor or good outcomes.
2.       Core Committee has developed a newly prioritized list of contextual issues with three clear priorities.
3.       Three Sub Committees formed to address the 3 prioritized issues
4.       Needs Analysis Report prepared by each Sub Committee on the three prioritized issues with a focus on the Stakeholders that can impact the process of addressing them.
5.       Sub Committee discussion meetings with key Stakeholders on the process that can positively impact the issue and devices strategies to deal with possible negative impacts.
6.       Action Plan prepared for each of the 3 Issues with clear definite steps
7.       Core Committee meetings held with each of the Sub Committees sharing their proposed plans and clear perspective on interventions emerge
8.       Core Committees visit and interact with other Core Committees from other CCOs in DI and learn from each on good practices, networking possibilities and gaps in processes
9.       The Community understand the Issue, the Plan for Redressal and their role in the process.
10.   Greater participation of various groups in the community in the Action Plan, leading to greater ownership and responsibility to address the issue.
11.   Better interaction, coordination and networking with other CCO Core Committees to work on common issues.
12.   Learning from other CCOs on strategies to address issues
13.   Target Groups trained and understand relevant Entitlements applicable and the process involved.
14.   Target Groups file applications and process Entitlements as per eligibility.
15.   Target individuals and groups get actively involved in the process and learn various strategies to deal with the progress.
16.   CCOs - Sub Committees take concerted efforts to address issues and become active and take ownership to resolve issues for the community.

a.       Core Committee revisits the prioritized issues and gaps based on the evaluation of last years issues handled
b.      Core Committee prepares a new list of issues and prioritizes 3 issues for the coming year
c.       Core Committee forms 3 Sub Committees on the 3 Prioritized Issues
d.      Core Committee engages in a Needs & Stakeholder Analysis on the 3 Issues prioritized in each of the 3 Sub Committees
e.      Each Sub Committee reflects on each of the 3 issues and discusses with key stakeholders on the  on the issue and the process required to address it.
f.        Each Sub Committee prepares an Action Plan for the issue with definite steps
g.       Joint Core Comm Meetings to understand their process, sharing enriches their perspective on their proposed plans
h.      Exposure visit of Core Committee to other CCOs to see how they function
i.         Each Sub Committee shares this Action Plan with larger community to elicit their collaboration and participation.
j.        Responsibilities are shared in the community to take up specific action as per the plan
* Preparing Street Plays on Issues identified (involve youth, children)
* Prepare Sessions on Issues identified (involve  youth, children)
k.       Exposure visit of Core Committee to other organizations to see how they handled the issue
l.         Training on the relevant Entitlements applicable for target groups
m.    Discussions with target groups on the Entitlements due and the process to be engaged in.
n.      Preparation of selected individuals / groups willing to take up entitlements due.
o.      Applications / Petitions filed with respective Govt. Depts/Officials
p.      Follow up with Officials …till issue is resolved / till entitlements have been received by target individuals / groups
q.      Campaign & Strategy Change in case slow / no progress.
r.        External Review of CCOs on the process and how effectively they have addressed the issues

B.      Work on Sustainability Plan & Generate Resources in coordination with CSA & CCO
1.       Core Committee understand how the CCO functions and the various systems in operation like planning, reporting, monitoring and documentation
2.       Greater ownership of the Core Committee in the regular functioning of the CCO.
3.       CCO Annual Events Calendar prepared with the required budget allocations
4.       Resource Mobilization Plan is prepared that can generate funds for the CCO Annual Budget allocations.
5.       Resource Mobilization Team from CSA and CCO coordinate for the proposed Fund Raising Event.
6.       Fund Raising Event planned and implemented
7.       Funds raised are allocated to the CCO Annual Budget plan as per need.
8.       Allocated Funds utilized.
9.       Budget utilization monitored by Core Committee through regular review and audit

a.       Monthly Participatory Review of the CCO interventions
Core Committee shares their observations and gives feedback on systems of CCO functioning.
b.      Each CCO draws up a calendar or list of events that need resource support (material & financial) with an annual budget plan
c.       CSA Team works on a Resource Mobilization Plan / Event
d.      CCO - Core Committee decides on a Resource Mobilization Team who will take up Event Coordination with CSA
e.      CCO Resource Mobilization Team and CSA Team work on logistics and event roll out plan
f.        CCO Core Committee allocates funds generated to annual budget plan and facilitates careful use of the funds as per events and activities planned by CCO and Core Committee including audit.

Outcome 3:
Fishing and Farming Communities enhance their traditional and alternative livelihood options leading them towards productivity and sustainability.

Outputs 3:
1.       Livelihood Sub Committee formed and guided by CCO staff.
2.       Various Possiblities, Challenges and Gaps for redressal of traditional and alternative livelihood discussed by Fishermen / Farming Livelihood Sub Committee
3.       Individuals and IGGs identified and prepared by CCO staff who pilot the activities to enhance traditional / alternative livelihood
4.       Livelihood Consultant engaged by CSA identified and accompanies the process from the  beginning with CCO Staff.
5.       Needs Analysis Report prepared by the CCO staff on the status of the traditional / alternative livelihood options.
6.       Various Vocational and Technical Skills Trainings required identified that will enhance traditional / alternative livelihood status of Individual & IGGs
7.       Technical skills trainings with individuals and IGGs facilitated as per plan by CCO staff
8.       Community Assets and Structures identified that can enhance traditional / alternative livelihood options of individuals and IGGs
9.       A Business Plan prepared for each of the Individuals and IGGs of traditional / alternative livelihood
10.   Individuals and IGGs explore and identify required Capital Investments required for the traditional / alternative livelihoods and Capital Investment Agencies explored & contacted.
11.   Those requiring Financial Assistance assisted through FEP
FEP Beneficiaries identified and introduced to Savings and Recurring Deposits
12.   Options explored by Livelihood Consultant with Individuals and IGGs through handholding
13.   Under guidance of Livelihood Consultant Market Linkages built with concerned stakeholders by CCO Staff with Individuals & IGGs.
14.   Assessment of the possible industries /employment opportunities for individuals
Trained individuals
15.   Complete Process Handholding of Individuals and IGGs of Traditional and Alternative Livelihood by Livelihood Consultant.
16.   Learnings of the Pilot Phase of Traditional / Alternative Livelihood shared at the Reflection Workshop and documented

a.       Livelihood Sub Committee formed for Fishing / Farming Communities in each CCO.
The CCO Staff work in coordination with them as they will be the key stakeholder in the process of consultation and ensuring the selection and ownership of the pilot group.
b.      CCO Staff discusses with the Livelihood Sub Committee the various possibilities for taking up the traditional livelihood - fishing / farming or alternative livelihood and identifies challenges and possible gaps that need to be addressed
c.       CCO Staff in consultation with Livelihood Sub Committee prepares individuals and formation of one to two Income Generation Groups (IGG) or existing SHGs that will become the pilot group to take up activities that will enhance their current traditional / alternative livelihood status.
d.      A Livelihood Consultant will be engaged with the CCO Staff who will guide the entire process of Traditional / Alternative Livelihood Development
e.      CCO Staff works with the individual and the IGGs and completes the necessary needs analysis required to understand the status and steps required to enhance their current / alternative livelihood status.
f.        CCO Staff discusses the findings with individuals and groups and explores the various vocational and technical skills trainings required that will enhance their current traditional / alternative livelihood status of individuals and the IGGs.
g.       CCO Staff facilitates the required technical skills trainings with the individuals and IGGs
h.      CCO Staff along with Livelihood Sub Committee discusses with stakeholders in the community and identifies various community assets and structures available that can be accessed for enhancing the current traditional / alternative livelihood status of individuals and groups identified.
i.         CCO Staff works with Individuals and IGGs and prepares a Business plan to enhance their current traditional /alternative livelihood
j.        CCO Staff work with selected individuals and IGGs to build their financial capital through various sources available, in case they do not have seed capital then they would be joined to CSA-FEP or capital investment agencies that can support the process.
k.       CCO Staff work with selected individuals and IGGs to build their assets through Financial Empowerment Program (FEP) - concept & importance of savings is shared (session 1) and participants finalized. Remaining FEP sessions are planned and held as per CSA Modules.
l.         CCS Staff along with Livelihood Consultant works at enhancing the business opportunities of Individuals & IGGs through various processes and handholding efforts.
m.    CCO Staff explores possible market linkages with various stakeholders and government institutions and discusses this with Livelihood Sub Committee and the individuals and IGGs
n.      CCO Staff conducts an assessment of the possible industries and employment opportunities, builds relationships with these stakeholders and actively works at placement of trained individuals on alternative livelihood with industries and other opportunities.
o.      At every step the CCO Staff will get the individuals and IGGs to interact with the Livelihood Consultant to discuss their progress and challenges faced through a process of handholding.
p.      Feedback and Evaluation on Challenges faced will be conducted at the end of the first year as a Reflection Workshop to share and document the Learnings of the Pilot Phase

Outcome 4:
Bal Sansad begins to function as a childrens parliament as BS children grow into enlightened & responsible citizens.
a. Criteria set for Bal Sansad Council & Election Process
b. Elections held for Bal Sansad Council
c. Address local issues and implement realistic interventions

Ouputs 4:
1.       Every month Bal Sansad children receive inputs as per Third Phase Training Manual of CSA
a.       Children learn about basic Governance Functioning - Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti, Zilla Parishad, Vidhan Sabha and Lok Sabha
b.      Children understand the basics of the Preamble of the Constitution and the Right of Franchise
c.       Children understand basic fundamental Rights and Duties as per the Constitution
d.      Children understand how the Indian Governance operates through the Executive, Legislative and the Judiciary.
e.      Food Security - PDS Entitlements as per Govt Ration Distribution understood
f.        Need for Communal Harmony and Peace in Communities understood
g.       Education as a process of learning for life is understood (not mere rote learning)
h.      Possibilities of exposure to violence at home and school is understood
i.         Emphasis on Respect and Equality of each person is understood
j.        Protection of Environment in daily life is understood
k.       Need for Exercise, Yoga and Meditation as a part of daily routine understood
l.         Children understand Responsible Leadership as taking on the role of Animators
2.       Dialogue, Discussion and Interaction among the Children on the topic of input and connecting it to Child Rights
a.       Interaction with Sarpanch and Members - Right to participatory governance
b.      Criteria for Bal Sansad Council and Election Process discussed and finalized
c.       Community Issues that directly affect children are prioritized for intervention
Action Plans for the prioritized issues drawn up
d.      Key Ministerial Portfolios as per the Issues finalized and possible children identified and
Election held as per process agreed upon.
Child Leaders discuss the implementation plan
e.      Each prioritized issue discussed in the context of the Rights of the Child & SDGs
f.        Key Child Leaders selected to become Animators and take on task of becoming role models to the next batch.
3.       Bal Sansad children apply their input and learning to an activity or a visit / exposure
a.       Children witness the structure and actual function of the Panchayat
b.      Children articulate the Preamble and by delivering a speech learn about Indian Constitution, Elections…
c.       Children creatively express about an issue through a Street play
d.      Children learn to depict an Issue through a Campaign - Rally, prepare posters etc
e.      Children learn how they can access their entitlements - Rations
f.        Children learn to respect children of other faiths
g.       Children learn at least one new hobby
h.      Children learn how children in conflict with the law live
i.         Children learn to respect the Girl Child as an equal
j.        Children take small steps to preserve the environment for the future - putting off lights, saving paper
k.       Children learn to remain silent and appreciate the value of meditation and reflection
l.         Animators prepared for the Second and Third year of the Third Phase - to take up Animation of the trainings, meetings, guide and become mentors

1.       Bal Sansad - Third Phase Trainings - first week of every month
a.       Governance system from local to state/national level
b.      Indian Constitution - Why & How; Preamble; Election and Representation
c.       Fundamental Rights & Duties
d.      Three Pillars of Indian Constitution - Executive, Legislative & Judiciary
e.      Food Security and Forest Rights
f.        Communal Harmony, importance of unity and peace
g.       Education - Learning for Life
h.      Violence - Domestic & in School
i.         Gender Equality - Respecting women
j.        Preservation of the Environment - as a way of life!
k.       Physical Exercise, Yoga and Meditation
l.         Responsible Leadership & Facilitation - Becoming Animators
2.       Dialogue & Learning - 2nd Week of every month
a.       Functioning of Panchayat / Parliament -
b.      Children discuss on Criteria for Bal Sansad Council and Election Process
c.       Children discuss on issues that affect them and plan for realistic interventions in context of their duties as citizens
d.      Children divide their roles into Ministerial Portfolios as discussed and review the implementation plans to address the issues
e.      Each Issue is reflected upon in context of their rights as children and in perspective of SDGs
f.        Senior children take on role of becoming Animators and role models to the next batch of children joining (if some children are older, they could be phased out into the Community Youth Group)
3.       Purposeful Action - 3rd week of every month
a.       Visit to Gram Panchayat / Panchayat to understand functioning
b.      Children prepare Placards, Posters of the Preamble and Speech Competition
c.       Children prepare a Street Play on each of the issues to be addressed
d.      Campaign on two of the Issues affecting children - Rally
e.      Visit to the Ration Shop - understand the structure & rights
f.        Visit of Children to Bastis of Children of other faith
g.       Fostering Education through Hobbies
h.      Visit to a Government Remand Home
i.         Promote actions of equality and respect for the Girl Child
j.        Actions that impact the environment, e.g. plant a sapling, Lesser use of electrical appliances that consume electricity, Best use of Paper
k.       One day Meditation and Yoga Camp
l.         Plans drawn by Children Leaders / Animators for the next year - Animating sessions, Certificate Distribution for those who have completed all BS Phases, 10 trainings, 5 exposure visits, resolving issues & conducting at least 3 BS Sessions.


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