
Showing posts from September, 2017

Coastal Cleanup Drive at Uttan villages on 26th & 29th September 2017

A coastal cleanup drive was setup at Uttan on the 26 th of Sep and the 29 of Sep, 2017 in Patan, Navikhadi, Mothagaon and Devtalav respectively by the CCO staff and Core Committee. 400 people from the village participated in the drive all of whom came to the seashore and cleaned their respective areas. Both men and women helped each other in difficult times during the clean up. In Devtalav it was difficult to bring the vehicle to collect the garbage but the men of Devtalav came forward and helped the women to take out the garbage.  In all the villages there was good response from the people. On the first day of the drive there wasn’t good response from the MBMC staff and the garbage which was collected by people was lying as it is on the seashore almost for three days. The situation was the same on the second day of the drive. The commissioner was contacted and all the related MBMBC head-members. With this the commissioner immediately sent the head of the cleanliness department

Health & Hygiene session with Domestic workers of Manori

Savdhan Samaj Kendra, Manori organized a Session on “Health and  Hygiene” for Women Domestic Workers on the 28 th Sept, 2017. The training began at 1.30 pm with Ms . Suvarna Bhandari,(CCO) who introduced & welcomed Ms. Tejaswini Lanjekar, a social worker and speaker for the afternoon. The resource person spoke to the 14 active domestic workers on various diseases pertaining to women which are commonly found in between the age group of 40-45. She also explained the causes & precautions to be taken for the following diseases such as: Diabetes Tuberculosis,   Allergy, Thyroid, Scabies Many women were able to seek help by posing multiple questions related to their health and sought answers to the same. Ms. Tejaswini also suggested some simple yet effective measures to maintain a good health, for instance, minimalizing three daily used foods ingredients like Sugar, Salt, and Oil. Another key point made in this session was to exercise daily in order to stay fit, spen

Persistence Yields! 26th Sep.2017

The open trench CSA has formed core committees(CC) in each of the community centres in Dharavi Island. These have been trained over the last year to list down issues of concern, prioritise them and strategize on ways to resolve the same. On 25 th August 2017 at the meeting of ward no.2(Pali), the CC of Gorai came together to discuss various local issues. One of the major concerns was that of a disused trench which posed a danger for passers-by, especially children. Before the issue was solved The CC took the initiative to draft an application to an official but he refused to help. Not taking no for an answer, they pursued it and re-approached the authorities with another application. At the third attempt the application was accepted and worked on by the new official.   On 26 th September 2017 a bulldozer covered the trench with mud. It was a moment of relief for the people around. This has given them hope to go forward and deal with other issues in locality. A

Core committee & Sub leaders meeting Report-25th Sep,2017

The Core Committee & Sub leaders Meeting was held at Gorai Church Hall on the 25 th  Sept, 2017 between 4 pm to 6pm. The meeting started with a short prayer conducted by Fr. Edward Jacinto, the Parish Priest, Holy Magi Church , Gorai.  Ms. Nasim(CCO staff) welcomed everyone and gave a brief information about the Zonal meeting. Mr. Dayanand explained a People-Led Empowerment Concept to the 31 members present for the meeting. The Zonal meeting presentation was done by the CC members on 37 issues.  Mrs. Mishal then advised them on finalizing 3 issues among the rest as a priority as they were of  key importance. The Outcome:  For the Transport system (Arrangement of  Bus, Auto, ferry boat to be planned) For Health ( A full time doctor, a chemist & vaccination to be started)  For the Wastage of money during celebrations like wedding & communion, certain ideas on cut shorting unnecessary expenditures.  For these issues 3 subcommittees were formed

Core committee & Sub leaders meeting Report- 25th Sep,2017

The Core Committee & Sub leaders Meeting was held at Gorai Church Hall on the 25 th Sep, 2017 between 4 pm to 6 pm. The meeting started with a short prayer which was conducted by Fr. Edward Jacinto, the Parish Priest, Holy Magi Church, Gorai . Ms. Nasim welcomed everyone and gave a brief information about the Zonal meeting. Mr. Dayanand explained a People-Led Empowerment Concept to the 31 members present for the meeting. The Zonal meeting presentation was done by the CC members on 37 issues.  Mrs. Mishal then advised them on finalizing 3 issues among them as a priority as they were of  key importance . The Outcome:          For the Transport system (Arrangement of  Bus, Auto, ferry boat to be         planned)         For Health ( A full time doctor, a chemist & vaccination to be started)       For the Wastage of money during celebrations like wedding & communion, certain ideas on cut shorting unnecessary expenditures.  For these issues 3 subcommittees w

21st Sept,2017-Bal Sansad Session-Food Security Act

On 21 st Sep, 2017, between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm the Bal Sansad Session for Food Security Act started with the Bal Sansad prayer, at the Gorai Church Hall addressing a group of 45 children. Ms. Nasim the speaker for the session welcomed everyone, followed by ice breakers games. The children were divided into 4 groups where they had to introduce themselves, and each child was given a different type of chocolate. Subsequently, Ms. Nasim questioned them about their Basic needs & Rights, who fulfilled their needs and who is responsible for it. Children gave various answers for these question. Following which Ms. Nasim explained them the importance of food for our body. Health as a responsibility is taken by government as per the F ood Security Act.   Ms. Nasim circulated a couple of questions among the four groups on the related topics and were asked to discuss it among themselves, for e.g. 1)       The type of  Ration Card used in their household. 2)       The

Balsansad Session On Gender Equality And Respect For Women 21.09.2017

One of the prime concerns in our society is of gender inequality. It is important to educate children on matters as such. On 21 st September 2017 a session on gender equality and the importance of respecting women was held at Uttan Church Campus for 38 Balsansad children. The resource person for the session was Ms. Sanjina from Uttan CC O. A video clip based on the topic was shown to the children to make it easier for them to understand the objective of the topic. Furthermore, a detailed explanation was given emphasizing on discriminations made on the grounds of food, education, work, games(toys), treatments and things between a boy and a girl. At the end, the children had an interactive session where they discussed what they learnt and what they can do. They responded well to the activities and had a healthy participation.

Chowk Bal Sansads - Understanding the Levels of Governance - 17th & 21st Sept, 2017

On the 17th and 21st September 2017, 31 Bal Sansad children from the various zones of St. Andrew's Parish, Chowk came together at Sahayog Samaj Kendra, Chowk for their weekly meeting. Each meeting begins with a short prayer conducted by one of the children. The minutes of the previous meeting was read and accepted by the group.  The Session on "Understanding the various levels of Governance" was led by Sr. Anita along with Ms. Suvidha from the CCO. The Session began with an ice breaking game where each child had to say one's name, the zone and their hobby. Each child shared these details very spontaneously without any fears. The children were then asked to select a name for the group. They decided on the name, "St. Andrew's Children Group" The topic of the Session on "Levels of Governance" was introduced by first stating the objectives of the session namely, the children would need to come to know their village (area) representative in the

Dongri Village identify Issues to be addressed 18th Sept, 2017

The residents of Dongri Village (around 50 villagers) gathered together for a Village meeting on the 18th Sept, 2017 at Dongri Sabhagruha with an objective to reflect on the issues faced by the village, understand their current situation and the reason for it and to work out a resolve them.  The meeting began with a prayer by Mr. Stephan Borges. He began by mentioning about the work undertaken by Prerna Seva Kendra (Dongri CCO) and the work initiated by the Core Committee. Mr. Dayanand stressed on the need and importance of the village to come together to identify and discuss issues faced by them.  Mr. Harold Borges the Gavki Patil shared on the issues faced by the village. There was a good discussion among the members on mainly two issues that were highlighted i.e. First - the need for Health Services i.e. Primary Health Clinic and Second MBMC vehicles that carry garbage have been dropping waste and spreading illness with the foul smell.  The group selected sub leaders who wo

Issues identified at Zonal Level in Gorai - 17-9-17

Culvem Community The Suryodaya Samaj Kendra have been actively engaging the members at the Zones towards identifying Issues and electing sub leaders to work at finding solutions to solve their local problems.  Muddan Community On the 14th of September at Muddan, 17th of September at Culvem, 21st September at Upper Koliwada and 22nd September at Lower Koliwada, the local community zonal members met together and started their discussions as per their planned agenda. Lower Koliwadi Community Discussion The CCO Staff - Ms. Nasim took an active part in facilitating the meeting along with Fr. Edward the Director and PP of Gorai. At first Nasim explained the role of the CCO and it activities working with the various target groups of women, senior citizens, kishoris and children.  Upper Koliwada Community Discussion The Core Committee's role and their facilitation of addressing the issues of water was shared by the Core Committees in their respective meetings - Ms.

Core Committee and Sub leaders Meeting - Uttan 15th Sep 2017

On 15 th Sep 2017, 28 members assembled at Durado Hall Uttan for the Core Committee and sub leaders meeting. In the previous month’s meeting leaders were appointed, and as per the responsibilities allotted all completed their work. The meeting was facilitated by the leader of the Core Committee.  Various issues which were already listed in family group meetings were presented by the leaders at the session. In all there were 29 issues out of which three main issues were prioritized like Low fish rates, Stray Dogs and high expenses during celebrations. Based on this, three subcommittees were formed and leaders were assigned. They decided to meet again next week for work to progress quickly. There was an active and healthy participation from members. The group showed interest in taking responsibilities and were happy to work on the issues. 

Village Meeting Report Of Navghar, Uttan 13.19.2017

On 13 th September 2017 a village meeting was held at Navghar with nine participants. The resource person for the meeting was Ms. Velencia Marvi, CCO staff. The meeting was held to raise issues of the community and to elevate the peoples participation in the process. However, the people were not ready to take responsibility and ownerships since they were wanting everything handy and readymade like SHG’s and Janshree. They said they would get back on the election of leaders. 

Learning & Educational Visit of Gorai’s Balsansad to Ration Shop 09.09.2017

On 28 th October   2017, twenty three Bal Sansad children assembled at a Hall in Gorai for an input session on Food Security Act. The resource person for the session was a CCO staff. The topic was chosen to give awareness to children on the importance of food and eating the right kind of food every day. They were also taught to be cautious about not wasting food and ways to create awareness around, beginning from their own homes. Bal Sansad’s exposure visit to the ration shop took place on the 9 th of November 2017, twenty two children from the Bal Sansad gathered at the Gorai Ration Shop to gain more knowledge about the Food Security Act and Public distribution system. Children freely interacted with the Ration shop keeper and asked many questions like the types of ration cards, the quantity of ration, each family is entitled for etc. At the same time, the children also informed the shopkeeper of how unhappy they and their families were as the right amount of ration was no

Problem Prioritization by Chowk CCO Core Committee 12-9-17

The Core Committee of Chowk got together on the 12th of September at Sahjeevan Samaj Kendra to discuss the various existing problems faced by the communities of Chowk. Using their knowledge on problem-solving the twenty CC members tried understand the cause of the problems faced. They identified fifteen such problems faced by the Chowk Villagers. Then they went through a process of prioritizing the various issues/problems and finalized on three main problems of the area.  The Core Committee then formed three subgroups  i.e. Sub-Committees. Each sub-committee then selected one leader to facilitate the functioning and discussion of the group. The procedure to address each of the issues was then discussed. All the members of each subcommittee took part in the discussion and discussed on the issue to be handled by them.  The CCO staff faced the challenge of eliciting a good response from each of the vibhaag (zone) of the community. The Core Committee hopes to engage with their resp

Orientation on Livelihood - Uttan CCO 11-9-17

Snehajyot Samaj Kendra Staff - Ms. Valencia and Ms. Sanjina planned and facilitated an Orientation on Livelihood for nine prospective participants who want to enhance their current Livelihoods.  The Meeting began on the 11th September at Snehajyot Samaj Kendra Meeting Room with the CCO staff giving a brief on the purpose of the facilitation process. Motivating them to take the required steps she asked them what they were currently doing and their status concerning their current livelihood. She then posed the question - What they wanted or desired to do in the future? This set the participants thinking and they responded with enthusiasm sharing their different interests. Mr. Dayanand facilitated the group to deepen their understanding of how they perceive their current livelihood status. There were many clarifications sought by them on the process involved and their current livelihood challenges. They expressed a desire to meet again we was a good motivating factor to take this i

Training on Issue Analysis for Pali Core Committee & Ward Sub Leaders 10-9-17

What do you do after prioritizing issues? One needs to understand the process of analyzing and prepare an action plan on the same. In order to get the participants to own the process the Pali CCO along with the Core Committee (CC) planned for a Training on Issue Analysis for the CC members along with the Ward Sub Leaders on the 10th September, 2017.  The 49 participants along with CSA and CCO staff actively participated in the session facilitated by the Resource Person - Mr. Melvin Pangya from Caritas India. He led the participants to understand the three issues that were prioritized on the 27th August. He used a simple technique of reflection, he asked each of the three groups of the three main issues to stay in silence for two minutes and think over each of their issues.  Then each of the three sub groups had to discuss in depth on the issues relating to the various causes and slowly identify the root cause of the issue. The CCO staff provided Charts and Colour sketch pens to ea

Dongri CCO Domestic Workers take steps towards FEP 10-9-17

The Domestic Workers from Dongri CCO met together on the 10th September 2017 at The Dongri Government Primary School to understand about Financial Empowerment and the process to become financially independent. The eight Domestic Workers were guided and instructed by Mr. Dayand Patil on the value, importance, and process of 'Savings'. He stressed on understanding the basics and the proper way of utilizing one's money.  Once the women understood the benefits of Saving and how it would be beneficial for them, he then began to guide them in the process of opening up a bank account. The money saved could be used by the women for any emergency in the future. The CCO staff would be following up with each of the women to ensure that their independent accounts are created and their wealth is slowly progressively growing!

Suryodaya Samaj Kendra, Gorai - Raises it own Resources 7th Sept 2017

Realizing the need to have resources to undertaken their activities and work of facilitation of the community the Core Committee members met together and discussed how they could raise funds to meet their need.  Under the guidance of Fr. Edward Jacinto they discussed and planned to have a lucky draw event on the Feast Day of Our Lady's Birthday on the 8th Sept.  Along with the Bal Sansad Children the Core Committee plan to put up a stall to sell religious articles and stationery. 16 Bal Sansad Leaders along with CCO Staff Ms. Nasim planned the details and the process, which involved taking up responsibilities as per the tasks for the event.  The Bal Sansad children with dedication stood every evening for all the nine days and sold the articles on display. They made a profit around Rs. 2000 from the articles sold and they were able to raise the sum of Rs. 28,000/- which was handed over to the CCO to spend as per their requirement for the tasks and activities