Uttan - Village Level Meetings on Issue Identification - 22nd Aug to 1st Sept, 2017
In Uttan as per the decisions taken in the Core Committee, the CCO Staff along with CC Members on the following dates mentioned below took village level meetings in order to get the community involved in the process of Issue Identification and Prioritization.
Village Name
Total Families
22nd August, 2017
29th August, 2017
31st August, 2017
1st September, 2017
The meetings in the villages began with a brief on the situation of the Uttan and questions addressed to the group on their assessment of the current situation in their village and what they could do about it. The group was introduced to the process how they would need to work as a team. Some villagers came forward as volunteers to be leaders of the family groups and take the responsibility of organizing the meetings that would disseminate this information to the families in groups of six families each.
The CCO Staff would attend these meetings with support from the Core Committee members. The discussion on their current situation led them to become aware of the causes of the issues faced. They began to list the issues and looked at ways to resolve it.
In some villages, the participation of the village ranged from men to women, children, and youth, however in some villages like Patan and Devtalao the response was poor as they did not respond actively. In Devtalao only a few women and girls were present. In Bhatodi only men were present with an exception of two women.
Narration by Sr. Martha, CSA Staff
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