Lack of Information Committee Action report on Rationing issue 9.10.2017

On 9th October 2017, the Lack of Information Committee held a follow up meeting along with 9 members discussing on two main subjects in relation to the issue of ration at Church Hall Pali. The first subject was behavioral attitude of Pali ration shopkeeper towards the women. And the second subject was to file a complaint letter to the superior about the shopkeeper for not following certain rules of rationing like mentioning the prices of basic ration commodities on display.
Two Subcommittee members volunteered to draft the complaint letter. The members discussed the issue with the Chowk Ration office bearers. The official promised the subcommittee members that he would look upon the concern matter personally, visit the ration shop at Pali and reply back in 15 days.
The meeting helped the people gain confidence in expressing their community issues and find a solution too.


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