On 21 st Sep, 2017, between 10.30 am to 12.30 pm the Bal Sansad Session for Food Security Act started with the Bal Sansad prayer, at the Gorai Church Hall addressing a group of 45 children. Ms. Nasim the speaker for the session welcomed everyone, followed by ice breakers games. The children were divided into 4 groups where they had to introduce themselves, and each child was given a different type of chocolate. Subsequently, Ms. Nasim questioned them about their Basic needs & Rights, who fulfilled their needs and who is responsible for it. Children gave various answers for these question. Following which Ms. Nasim explained them the importance of food for our body. Health as a responsibility is taken by government as per the F ood Security Act. Ms. Nasim circulated a couple of questions among the four groups on the related topics and were asked to discuss it among themselves, for e.g. 1) The type of Ration Card used ...
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