Cleanliness drive at Manthanpada (Manori) with Women’s Participation 20.04.2018
CCO and subcommittee of the cleanliness issue organized a rally on the 20th
April 2018 at the 3 zones of Manthanpada, Manori attended by 15 people. The
participation from the local women in the campaign was seen as they took
broomsticks and swept the roads. The BMC provided broom sticks, a garbage
carrier and sufficient staff for collecting the garbage. The core committee
members also made the people aware of segregating waste in the dust bin. The
villagers interacted with the head of Solid Waste Department and the
Cleanliness Supervisor.
of the zones from the village was extremely filthy as garbage was not thrown in
dustbins. BMC found it difficult to pick up the garbage regularly due to the
long distance between Malad and Manori and as it consumed lots of time. Certain
measures like follow ups with the BMC took place. People have demanded regular
or at least twice/ thrice a week a garbage-picker vehicle or a mini compactor
on daily basis which will pick up the garbage. This rally in assistance with
BMC has sensitized the people to keep the Manthanpada village clean.
has given assurance that they will provide the regular vehicle from May 2018
onwards. The villagers & the BMC staff have given a positive reply to this.
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